investment strategies

Investment strategies for young investors

Are you a young investor looking to pave the way for a successful financial future? In this article, we share some tried and true investment strategies that are perfect for those just starting out.

How to go broke trying to get rich

A get-rich-quick scheme can be defined as, a promise to make a person extremely wealthy over a short period of time, often with little effort and no risk. If you think that sounds a bit dodgy, you could be right. – How to go broke trying to get rich.

How Meme stocks changed investing

Have you heard about Meme stocks? This shorter article explains the buzz around this investment trend and reminds potential investors of the basic rules of diversification and moderation. How Meme stocks changed investing

Foundations of a wealthy lifestyle

A study conducted by the Australian Stock Exchange reported that nearly 25% of investors over the past two years were aged 18 to 24. Foundations of a wealthy lifestyle

How to go broke trying to get rich

A get-rich-quick scheme can be defined as, a promise to make a person extremely wealthy over a short period of time, often with little effort and no risk. If you think that sounds a bit dodgy, you could be right. – How to go broke trying to get rich.

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How Meme stocks changed investing

Have you heard about Meme stocks? This shorter article explains the buzz around this investment trend and reminds potential investors of the basic rules of diversification and moderation. How Meme stocks changed investing

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Preparing for retirement in uncertain times

Preparing for retirement in uncertain times

As most long-term investors know, investment markets have their ups and downs. The downs are usually associated with periods of uncertainty, perhaps due to political or economic factors, or even natural disasters. Uncertainty leads to volatility – more extreme movements in asset prices – which can have a big impact on portfolio values. Preparing for retirement in uncertain times

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Tax deductions for investing in your business

Tax deductions for investing in your business

Stimulating investment is high on the Government’s agenda. To encourage spending, the 2020-21 Budget introduced a measure that allows businesses with turnover under $5bn* to immediately deduct the cost of new depreciable assets and the cost of improvements to existing assets in the first year of use. This means that an asset’s cost will be fully deductible in the year it’s installed ready for use, rather than being claimed over the asset’s life. And, there is no cap on the cost of the asset.

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Investing: asset classes and indexing

Investing: asset classes and indexing

Whether it’s taking a more active interest in our superannuation, starting to build an investment portfolio, or even trying our hands at playing the stock market, we can all benefit by understanding the language and key concepts of investing. Here’s a quick introduction.

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Shares: investing in a business

Shares: investing in a business

This article explains what it means to buy shares in a business. It focuses on the emotional side of investing by explaining you are not just buying a piece of paper but a share of a business, and discusses the benefits and responsibilities of a shareholder.

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